March 2011 earthquake in Japan has confirmed the robustness of spent fuel pools (SFPs) at nuclear power plants but without failing to heighten the awareness that they could be subject to challenges that might ultimately lead to a radioactive release. There is a need to understand more clearly the risks associated with SFPs, to understand its interactions with the reactor fuel, and to ensure that vulnerabilities are appropriately addressed. The Fukushima accident has also highlighted the potential interactions between the reactor and the SFP. Considering the proximity of reactor and SFP, any accident in reactor may impact SFP and vice versa.

The primary objective of an integrated SFP-reactor PSA is the assessment of the overall plant risk and SFP risk contribution to a plant’s risk profile. It also evaluates potential interactions between the Reactor and SFP Accident Progression and human factors or the human actions associated with the safety of the SFP.

Consultants at RELSAFE have experience and capability to perform an SFP Risk Assessment applying the state-of-the-art methodologies like EPRI 3002002691 (PWR Spent Fuel Pool Risk Assessment Integration Framework and Pilot Plant Application), EPRI 3002000498 (Spent Fuel Pool Risk Assessment Integration Framework (Mark I and II BWRs) and Pilot Plant Application) among others.